Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Breakeven" Tuesday September 29th, 2009 OOTD

Hi everyone,

"What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you? What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay? I'm falling to pieces." - The Script. LOVE this song right now! Can't stop listening to it!!! :P

Today was yet another rainy and cold day... how many more of these dreaded days must I endure??? I hate that when it rains, I feel so tired and drained... *yawn*.. Today was a good day. Had one class, worked a bit on a group project, mailed something, and then came home. Yes, today is a somewhat REPEAT outfit of a couple of weeks ago... :(... I guess the rain also drained my creativity! LOL... So I just wore my Zara high waisted newspaper skirt, a black tank from F21, a black J.Crew jackie cardigan, black tights, black flats from Aldo, a ring from Aldo, and a silver bangle from Les Ailes. All in all, it was a good day (besides the weather). I have no energy whatsoever to do homework right now, so I might go watch TV or something... maybe Project (Rachel Zoe)...


Have a wonderful day!!!!!!

Vanessa <3